
Jesus wept bible verse john 11
Jesus wept bible verse john 11

jesus wept bible verse john 11

Instead of the thunder of threatening, and the lightning of a curse, all that was perceptible of the inward tempest was a shower of tears for “Jesus wept.” A hurricane rushed through his spirit all the forces of his soul were disturbed he shuddered at the sight which was about to be set before him he was thrilled from head to foot with emotion yet the result of the storm was not a word of terror, nor a glance of judgment, but simply a blessed shower of tears: “Jesus wept.” If all our righteous indignation displayed itself in tears of pity, we should have fulfilled the text, “Be ye angry, and sin not.” Between indignation at the powers of evil, grief for the family who had been bereaved by death, sorrow over those who stood by in unbelief, and a distressing realization of the effects of sin, the Lord’s heart was evidently in a great storm. It could be seen that his holy nature was in a ferment, and an inarticulate expression of distress fell from him. Some read it, “He roused himself,” instead of reading, as we have it in our version, “He was troubled.” Certainly, there would seem to be an active sense in the expression: it was not so much that he was troubled, as that “He troubled himself.” The waters of his soul were clear as crystal, and therefore when troubled they were not mudded yet they were all stirred. He saw what sin had done in destroying life, and even in corrupting the fair handiwork of God in the human body he marked, also, the share which Satan had in all this, and his indignation was aroused yea, his whole nature was stirred. He now stood face to face with the last enemy, death. We have a very literal translation in the margin of the Revised Version and instead of reading, “He groaned in the spirit, and was troubled,” we find it, “He was moved with indignation in the spirit, and troubled himself.” What was this indignation? We cannot think that it was caused by the unbelief of his friends, or even by the pretended sympathy of those malicious Jews who hastened to accuse him to the Pharisees but we look further and deeper for the reason of this heat. We find, on looking at the original, that he was indignant and troubled. A GREAT storm was stirring the mind of Jesus.

Jesus wept bible verse john 11